Starting an Adventure towards Financial Literacy

June 19, 2017


We are all interested in learning something about finances and investments, right? Do you want to know where to park that extra cash? Or do you want to find ways to get out of the 8-to-5 routine? Is this just to make you look more financially savvy in front of your friends?  Well whatever reasons you have, we gotta jumpstart the engine and begin somewhere. And I believe the time is now! Or not (well it really depends on you, guys).

I created The Financially Literate Juan for the sole purpose of imparting little bits and pieces of financial knowledge to every Juan, especially for those young Pinoys and Pinays who are just starting in their financial adventure. Though a little bit of disclaimer first, I am not claiming that I’m an expert, registered financial adviser or whatever. I can say though that I know a thing or two about investments and finances. Everything that I’ll be writing here is gained from personal experience and diligent (and sometimes borderline obsessed) research.

It is very, very sad (I can’t stress it enough) to see that many Filipinos are struggling just to make ends meet. And it is not because they are not smart, but rather because they are financially illiterate (sorry for the harsh term).  I saw these situations personally IRL and these actually happen even to those who have white-collar jobs (e.g. professors, doctors, engineers) which supposedly have higher salaries compared to others. My point is that no one should be financially illiterate especially in this Age of Information. It is also mind boggling to look into the statistics that less than 1% of the Philippine population invests in the stock market. Many are afraid indeed, especially with the things they do not know. What's the solution? Stop cutting corners and be more financially educated. Please do yourself a favor and stop making excuses.

So from here on out, I’ll be blogging things related to personal finances on my own perspective. Hopefully this blog can serve as a starting point for any Juan out there dreaming to get out of the rat race. Whether you just graduated in college, lost in your current finances, or are already financially stable, I really do hope that this blog can help you in one way or another. As Bruce Barton once said, “The most important thing about getting somewhere is starting right where you are”.

May the financial Force be with us all. See you around!

Much love,


P.S. Hopefully you didn’t get bored yet! Well, this is just the introduction part. No technical stuff yet.

P.P.S. Hope you’ll stick around for the next entries. I’ll try my best to share what I know.

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